During the initial or starting period the affiliated schools will be acting as pioneers.
They can play an important part for the fellowship both nationaly and internationaly.
The aims, the activities and the desired organization of the Andersen Fellowship are la id out in broad terms in this brochure. The detailed work out of the organization will be made with the affiliated schools during the initial period. Their contribution will be decisive for the final set up and construction of the fellowship. Therefore this is a creative challenge.
Some activities during the initial period are:
to make an inventory of the possibilities in each country of setting up an exchange programme for teachers;
to make an inventory of suggestions about the working methods and the organization of the Andersen Fellowship;
the realization of the first edition of the fellowship’s bulletin;
the realization of the first Andersen congress that, in all probability, will be held in Odense, from 28th till 31st October 1993.
During the first year the committee will be responsible for the organization. Their aim is that the organization of the Andersen Fellowship will be taken over, at the end of this period, by an authority from the European Community, which will be supported by the national European educational platforms.
This take over can only succeed if the fellowship is viable. Much, therefore, depends on the inset and involvement of the affiliated schools. Anyway we are expecting strong political support during the first half of 1993 when Denmark is chairman of the European Community.
Schools can apply for membership by completing the application form and sending it to the foliowing address: Andersen Fellowship, c/o Gerrit Luidinga, Andersenschool, Heemskerklaan 1, 3445 CM Woerden, The Netherlands.
Vou can also write, phone or fax to this address for further information.
During the initial period there are no costs for membership. After that school membership will cost 50 Dutchguilders a year .
We have to inform you that there can only be a limited reimbursement of expenses when attending the first Andersen congress.It is possible that, in the future, part of if not all of the ex penses can be paid by a governmental body of your own country. Further investigation into this will be made, either by us or by the school converned .