Andersenfellowship for primary education in European context.
1993 (Andersen Fellowship)
- Introduction
- Hans Christian Andersen
- Target Groups
- Aims
- Bulletin
- Teacher Exchange
- Andersen Congress
- Timing
- The initial period
- After the initial period
- Application
- Structure of the Organization
- Finance
- The committee
Good education is linked up with the changing processes in society. It is not sufficient for the school to limit its activity to the development of new systems for improvements in theory and instruction. The school can play various roles within society, for example in the local area where it is situated. Also the school can take part in various activities organized on a regional or national level and can join up and form a friendship with one or more schools in other countries. This provides education with the impulses, which then lead to an enrichment of the whole school culture.
Many schools are discovering the challenges that are arising from the disappearance of European borders. They realise that even in young children the development of an European or even global vision of man and society is important, also in primary education, although this has to fit into the child’s capacity of understanding.
The Andersen Fellowship offers an unique opportunity to make education truly international. The fellowship is meant for all primary schools within the twelve member countries of the European Community. The fellowship’s primary aim is to enrich the art of story-telling within the normal educational programme.
The fairy tales and stories of the famous Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen (1805 -1875) form a remarkable highlight in European culture. This master storyteller is famous the world over .
Fairy tales such as “The Little Match Girl”, “The Tinder Box”, “The Ugly Duckling”, “The Tin Soldier” and many others have made a deep impression on children.
The fellowship owes its name to this storyteller .