Kindergartens, schools for special education and primary schools are invited to join the fellowship. Obviously they will sympathise with the aims. We ask them to make the membership public, for instance by adding “Member of the Andersen Fellowship” onto their letterhead.
Various bodies in the twelve member countries of the EC will be able to link up too, so long as they are in some way active in the field of the promotion of reading and creative use of language. These could be (semi-) government bodies, writers’ organizations, publishers and book-selling concerns.
The processes which the fellowship commences in schools will gain extra meaning if they are supported on a national level. A snowball effect can occur . The fellowship starts the ball rolling and the size of the ball is dependent on the country’s snowfall. Real success is to be expected if one respects one’s own national story-telling traditions which, in most countries, have their roots in the distant past.
It is recommended to let other existing Andersen clubs in the member countries join. This cooperation can prove fruitful.
Therefore, the Andersen museum in Odense, Denmark, will also play an important role. The museum provides the Fellowship with basic information.
Every member country has a national organization for internalization of education. Hopely these platfarms will play an initiating and coordinating role.
1. Making education international.
Openness and knowledge of other cultures enriches one’s own national identity and enables one to respect international cultural differences. A wealth of cultural value is hidden in each country’s story-telling traditions. Exchanging these values can help children in their awareness of Europe in a way that captures their imagination and so prepares them for the future in a more and more intercultural society.
Encouragement of teachers to promote a European dimension in education.
The international cooperation will stimulate teachers to greater feeling for the Europe of the future. Active involvement with the aims of the fellowship and the possibility of participation in exchange programmes for teachers will not only promote insight in other educational systems and practices, especially in the field of story-telling, but will also increase motivation to make education more international. The teacher plays a key role.
2. Development and stimulation of the art of story-telling.
Let pupils learn about the impressive results of story-telling in the EC member countries and help them learn to enlarge their own creative use of language.
As stated earlier, the teacher plays a central role in this. He obtains information through the fellowship’s bulletin and eventually from contacts which the schoollays with other schools within the fellowship.